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9 best Etiquettes to observe as a Restaurant Customers

Social dining is not just about relishing delectable meals; it’s an experience that involves good etiquette and a delicate dance between customers and restaurant staff. Simple etiquettes play a crucial role in ensuring a pleasant atmosphere for everyone involved.

Whether you’re a seasoned diner or a first-timer, adhering to certain guidelines can enhance your dining experience and contribute to a positive ambiance. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a variety of simple etiquettes to observe as a customer in a restaurant, covering aspects from making reservations to tipping graciously.

Host or hostess

1. Reservations and Arrival Etiquette:

  1. Make Reservations in Advance: Before heading to a restaurant, especially during peak hours or special occasions, consider making reservations. This not only ensures that you secure a table but also helps the restaurant manage its seating efficiently.
  2. Arrive on Time: Time awareness is key. Arriving on time for your reservation shows respect for the restaurant’s schedule and allows for a smoother dining experience for both you and the staff.
  3. Notify for Changes: Life is unpredictable, and plans may change. If you cannot make it to your reservation or need to adjust the party size, notify the restaurant as early as possible. This courtesy enables them to accommodate other guests and plan accordingly.

2. Seating Etiquette:

  1. Wait to be Seated: Instead of choosing your own table, wait for the host or hostess to seat you and observe table manners. This helps maintain order and ensures that the staff can efficiently manage the flow of customers.
  2. Follow the Seating Plan: If a restaurant has a specific seating plan, respect it. This is especially important in busy establishments where the staff strategically arranges tables to optimize service.
  3. Cooperate with Server Guidance: If the server suggests a particular table or area, consider their recommendation. They often have insights into the best seating options based on their knowledge of the restaurant’s layout and current conditions.

Table manners

9. Tipping Etiquette:

  1. Understand Local Practices: Tipping practices vary by region and country. Familiarize yourself with the local customs to ensure that you tip appropriately.
  2. Tip on the Full Amount: If a service charge is not included in the bill, calculate the tip based on the full amount before any discounts or promotions.
  3. Express Gratitude: Tipping is not just a financial transaction; it’s a gesture of appreciation for the service provided. Express your gratitude verbally, and if leaving cash, a simple “thank you” note can be a nice touch.

8. Dessert and Coffee Etiquette:

  1. Ordering Desserts: If you plan to order dessert, decide early in the meal to allow the kitchen to prepare accordingly. This is especially important if the restaurant makes desserts in-house.
  2. Coffee or After-Dinner Drinks: If you want coffee or after-dinner drinks, express your interest when the server is clearing the main course. This ensures that your beverage is ready by the time you finish dessert.
  3. Time Awareness: Be mindful of the time when lingering over dessert or drinks, especially if the restaurant is approaching closing hours. Respect the staff’s time and efforts in providing a positive dining experience.

Child policies

5. Ordering Etiquette:

  1. Be Ready to Order: Review the menu promptly, and be ready to place your order when the server comes to your table. This helps maintain a steady flow in the kitchen and minimizes wait times for other customers.
  2. Special Requests and Allergies: Communicate any dietary restrictions or allergies clearly when placing your order. This allows the kitchen staff to make necessary accommodations and ensures a safe dining experience for everyone.
  3. Modify with Consideration: If you wish to make modifications to a dish (e.g., requesting an ingredient omission or substitution), do so courteously. Remember that excessive modifications can disrupt the kitchen workflow and impact the dining experience of other patrons.

Social dining

6. Children in Restaurants:

  1. Supervise and Control Noise: If dining with children, keep them supervised, observe child policies and ensure they maintain reasonable noise levels. If a child becomes unruly, consider taking them outside temporarily to avoid disturbing other diners.
  2. Respect Child Policies: Familiarize yourself with the restaurant’s policy regarding children. Some establishments may have age restrictions or specific areas designated for families.
  3. Clean Up After Your Child: If your child makes a mess, make an effort to clean up the area around the table. This demonstrates consideration for the staff who will be responsible for clearing and cleaning.

7. Table Manners - Good etiquette:

  1. Use Utensils Properly: Familiarize yourself with basic table manners. Use the appropriate utensils for each course, and start from the outside and work your way in when multiple utensils are provided.
  2. Chew with Mouth Closed: This fundamental etiquette rule applies both at home and in restaurants. Chewing with your mouth closed maintains a pleasant atmosphere for those around you.
  3. Wait for Others to Begin: If you are dining with others, wait until everyone at the table is served before starting your meal. This communal approach enhances the shared dining experience.

Time awareness

8. Interaction with Restaurant Staff:

  1. Be Polite and Respectful: Treat restaurant staff with courtesy and respect. Use “please” and “thank you” when interacting with servers, and avoid snapping fingers or shouting to get their attention.
  2. Feedback: If you have feedback about the service or food, convey it politely. Constructive criticism can be valuable for the restaurant’s improvement, but it should be communicated in a considerate manner. w
  3. Handle Disputes Tactfully: If you encounter an issue with your order or experience, address it calmly and discreetly. Summoning the manager or causing a scene in the dining area is generally discouraged.

9. Mobile Phone Etiquette:

  1. Keep Phones Silent: Set your phone to silent or vibrate mode to avoid disrupting the dining experience for yourself and others.
  2. Limit Phone Usage: Minimize phone usage during the meal. Engaging in prolonged conversations or scrolling through social media can be distracting and detract from the enjoyment of the dining experience.
  3. Handle Calls Appropriately: If you need to take a call, excuse yourself from the table and step outside or to a designated area. Loud phone conversations in the dining area can be disruptive to others.


Social dining and cultural experience that extends beyond the food on the plate. Simple etiquettes contribute to a harmonious atmosphere, making the restaurant a welcoming space for both customers and staff.

By following these guidelines, you not only enhance your own dining experience but also contribute to the overall enjoyment of everyone sharing the space. Remember, good etiquette is not just a set of rules but a reflection of consideration and respect for others, turning every meal into a delightful and memorable occasion. Always remember that time awareness is also key always.

Le blossom restaurant is nestled in the heart of Nairobi’s Gigiri neighborhood. Located at China Garden on United Nations Avenue, this hidden gem brings a fusion of delectable Chinese cuisine and captivating cultural experiences under one roof.

This restaurant is more than just a restaurant; it’s a destination where you can embark on a culinary journey, exploring the diverse regional cuisines of China. With a menu crafted by skilled Chinese chefs, every dish is an artful masterpiece, prepared using authentic ingredients and traditional cooking techniques. Come and experience it, visit our website here to know more about us.

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